
13 Stories by Rob
A quiet revolution is taking place in computing where single board computers (SBC), which in the past were mainly used for industrial automation, are...
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with...
We provide our own Edge Development environment using RapidAnalysis hardware and cloud software to provide AI and Api Service via AWS. Please see more...
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on the development of algorithms and models that enable computers to learn and...
An innovative way to examine bottom-up sensory influencers. What is eye-tracking? Eye tracking is a technology that involves monitoring and analyzing the movements and...
Using fractal curves in machine learning. Eye tracking has been traditionally integrated into machine learning models by leveraging the rich data captured from eye...
What exactly are outliers, and how are they defined in eye-tracking. Data outliers, defined as observations that deviate significantly from the general pattern of...
Measuring extremism for detection with Machine Learning. Data scientists employ various methods and techniques to measure social behavior by leveraging the power of data...
Measuring relevance in literature review materials. Here is a summary of my conversation with CEO of Latent Knowledge, James Reilly, about literature relevancy and...
We specialise in developing bespoke, in-house solutions for API hosting, Machine Learning integration, and custom Apple iOS / Google Android application development. We are...
In high school, I once asked a native English speaking friend what she looks for when proofreading other people’s essays and she said “smell.”...
Research, as a deliverable, is increasingly finding its way into industry as big data becomes common place and executive decision-making requires more than just...